Wednesday, August 22, 2018

BGS Ibmor and why black marxism sucks.

BGS ibmor has been on youtube kicking black marxism for quite some time now, and it has been up to me and other dedicated truth tellers like BIGJXXX to expose him and bring out the truth. BGS ibmor pushes bad theories like saying that LBJ's great society helped blk people in the 60s because blk people were starving to death and in poverty. This is not the case. Studies show that between 1940 and 1965 blk poverty fell on its own between 50% and 60% mainly due to blks being upwardly mobile and using and applying their skills in the workforce. Also blk people were much more entreprenuriel at that time and supported more of their own businesses that existed in their communities. Before the great society blk people in the blk community had more of their own infastructure that the community supported. Also the blk family was much stronger with black men in the overwhelming majority of homes. All of this changed with the great society. The great society incentivised the break up of blk families by offering subsidies to single mothers as well as a whole host of govt. backed programs that kept people in a state of poverty instead of the traditional family structure that existed before. 

Negroes like this are brainwashed. BGS is a product of decades of democratice party indoctrination in the blk community. He will defend the policies of the democratic party to the death. Even though ironically this causes him to contredict himself many times. It really is quite a funny thing to observe. However his head is trapped in marxism and marxist thinking, which I will talk about at length in future blogs. I consider it my duty to tell the truth on guys like this because he misleads many of our people. Stay tuned family. 

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