Monday, October 22, 2018

Christelyn Karazin on Her Ex Husband

So I was flipping through the You Tube channels the other day and guess what I found (drum roll)... A live stream of Christelyn Karazin ranting about her ex-husband who is a black man. Do these swirliers ever quit? I find it odd given the type of lifestyle these women claim to live yet they just can't seem to keep black men's names out of their mouth. I mean come on, Kristelyn had to have broken up with this guy almost 2 decades ago at this point, and yet this women is still making you tube videos talking about her ex husband. Hell, it even made me cringe even though I tuned into the stream half way through. However, in her commentary she dragged on and on, about how horrible her ex husband was, how he treated her like a maid, and if I'm not mistaken how he even put hands on her one time supposedly. As I'm listening to his I was thinking isn't anything in a marriage sacred? Why was Kristelyn so comfortable disparaging her ex- husband like that publicly. People know who he is, he can be looked up online, people could show him that live stream and he could sue her for defamation of character. Doesn't this occur to Christelyn as educated as she is? I guess not, but then again Kristelyn has a history of doing not so bright things online, like the time she filmed her daughters college dorm room years ago, swp even warned her of how dangerous that was, she does come off as an airhead much of the time. But in that live stream Kristelyn reminds us all of one of her strongest and most constant themes "the need to portray black males as the villain at all cost and not matter what the situation." In order for her to justify swirling and going against her own race, black men have to be portrayed as these evil monstrous tyrants. She basically threw educated lames under the bus as the title says (though the title of that video has now been changed.) She claimed that just because someone is an educated lame does not mean they are devoid of problems that would make them incompatible with a women. Kristelyn raved about her household duties while living with this man, and how she felt too much of the burden was on her while her ex- husband was not trying to help her out. She lamented about when she called him on it she simply said that his mother had shouldered similar duties and that he didn't see what she was complaining about. 

This whole diatribe is sad and explains how black female swirlers truly cannot get black men out of their minds. Kristelyn is supposed to be enjoying her suburban life and existence in Temecula County California but she can't seem to do that to save her life. She is still depressed and upset about alot of things it seems like when it comes to her ex-husband. Is her white man really keeping her satisfied? Or is she simply trying to continue marketing her $500 pink pill program on femininity to her followers? I suspect both. Stay tuned. 

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Discetion of Cerulean Grey's Plan

Image result for you tube cerulean grey
Today I would like to dissect Cerulean Grey's plan for the black american. I find it interesting that Cerulean Grey has finally decided to stop being just a lackey in the BGS IBMOR hangouts and has finally decided to advance his own ideas in his own platform. 

Cerulean Grey's videos on his channel usually have a dark color theme and they start with Cerulean Grey speaking in a deep and somber tone, addressing the long lost faithful of a decayed community with a sardonic call to discipline and action. When you listen to Cerulean's beginning speeches they are low key inspirational in a way, however they are also kind of heavy handed when it comes to rhetoric. Cerulean Positions himself as a pro-black in his videos, and as someone who has listened to him in the last couple years to tell you the truth this is a rather new thing for him. I remember a long time ago he was pushing pro-socialist talking points a lot. He still does this to this day, the only difference is the pro-black rhetoric, which is a new thing for him now. He goes on to implicate the usual enemy to black progress, the ever elusive "White Supremacy". He blames the shadow hand of white supremacy for many of the evils and social ills of the community. He makes the claim that blacks are being defeated by white supremacy because of their inability to organize as a community against it. He prescribes various social strategies and actions (that will be discussed below) to fix it. He cites various social ills as hindrances to the black community, and prescribes new behavior strategies that he believes will remedy these issues. All in all Cerulean does seem to be legitmately concerned with the black community and seems to have alot of passion concerning his cause. Because of this I believe that cerulean Grey's plan deserves an in depth dissection and analysis, Cerulean Grey has put a lot of time, energy, and effort into getting his views and stances out there, so without further ado I will begin. 

If you listen to Cerulean Grey's explanation of his plan on the The Great Liberators channel, he has a two pronged strategy for the black community going into the future, this two pronged strategy goes as follows: 
1. Put 100,000 black boys a year into the military, another 100,000 into police departments and another 50,000 into fire departments.
2. Let young black women go into political leadership in the community, let them go into municipal and federal governments, and let them go into municipal and federal governments and let them go into the field of law. 

I will start with the first point of strategy, that of putting 100,000 black boys into the military a year. According to a 2018 NY times article the US Army is having a hard time attracting new recruits because of a booming job market. Many young people are opting not to join the military and instead to persue more lucrative careers that are coming online in the job market. The army cannot reach it's quota and is suffring recruitment shortages akin to what they experienced at the height of the Iraq War. The military including the army markets heavily to the African American community because they know that the African American community historically lacks jobs. Many young black men and women in previous decades since the US military has been an all volunteer force have been forced to join the military due to lack of opportunity in the hood. Many are assigned clerical jobs, and non combat positions. Many go to take advantage of the college tuition programs, yet even with all these perks, the US army still cannot reach it's quota. The trend is true for the entire military as a whole. So the legitimate question for Cerulean Grey becomes, how do you market military careers to young black men who have better options at their disposal. Cerulean Grey has yet to explain his strategy for this in my view. His theory relies on the concept of a large number of young African American men facing economic hopelessness in the inner city but this view is simply not the reality. Many young African American men have the opportunity to go to college after high school due to scholarships due to via academics or sports related, and many others have the ability to pursue trades such as plumbing or auto body from which they have the opportunity to build lucrative businesses for themselves. Also there is a growing number of black people in general who now want to pursue entrepreneurship as a means of community empowerment and this is a factor Cerulean Grey has not addressed in this thesis either. 

The second major point of Cerulean Grey's plan, that of putting young black women into politics and law as a means of empowering the black community also has major questions with it. One of the major things that I always noticed about when African American's go into politics is that the black community does not seem to get better when they are in office in most cases. In many cases it seems to be corporate interest, or outside political interest who get the benefit. I don't care if it's Bradly in Los Angeles, Coleman Young in Detroit or Mosby in Baltimore. When black politicians get elected the black community does not get the benefit. Mayor Bradley was the mayor in LA in the late 70's, 80's, and early 90's, he oversaw the proliferation of poverty and gang culture in Los Angeles and did not address it. Coleman Young oversaw the destruction of the auto industry in Detroit and many blacks slipping into poverty and becoming homeless. Mosby in the 2010's over saw the Baltimore riots in the wake of the Freddy Grey police killing. For some reason there is massive incompetence associated with black elected officials. This is why I am skeptical of any black empowerment movement that involves politics. Black female politicians have shown themselves susceptible to corporate interest just like any other politician. Also many of these so called congressional black caucus members now preside over districts that are majority non black, just like Maxine Waters in southern California. Maxine Waters has been seen loudly addressing the interests of the Hispanic and immigrant portion of her district now because they now make up the majority of her districts. The concept of black congressional leaders has become very much a fiction. It is something that does not exist. It is an empty phantom concept. Because of gentrification and black flight to suburbs blacks no longer live in concentrated enough districts to have strong voting blocks any more. I have yet to hear Cerulean Grey come up with a valid address of these concepts. 

The other point, that of black women going into law is one however that I do think has some feasibility. Black people have been effective in law, just look at Johnny Cochran (OJ Simpon's fameous attorney) and Bill Cosby's attorney was instrumental in getting him to counter sue his accusers who kept coming out of the wood work against him, something that his former white attorneys advised against. I ultimately think there needs to be more black attorneys period and they need to organize themselves into bar associations to represent black defendants in all aspects of law. This is something that we don't see enough of. Black attorneys need to work as a team. If black female attorneys can organize themselves into bar associations and work together to provide black men legal representation in various fields it could be potentially very effective. However black women would have to learn to put aside their egos and work effectively as a team. This is going to be a big challenge in the long run since most black Americans have been trained to operate on individualism. Cerulean Grey however has addressed black individualism and the need to curb it, maybe he will present more strategies against it in the future. 

Cerulean Grey's plan though heavy on militarism does have some valid points of interest. I will continue to analyze Cerulean Grey and his plan as it develops in the future and will provide updates, until then, signing off. 

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Christelyn is Right on Black Females Losing Feminimity Due to the Struggle.

Image result for christelyn karazin
Last year You Christelyn Karazin  started her infamous Pink Pill Program. An Interactive online Program that teaches black women feminimity strategies. Christelyn Karazin has marketed it as a much needed program for blk women because she says that many black women's mothers were too busy struggling to teach their daughters feminimity. It is a pretty expensive program but christelyn basically says that it is worth it and much needed. Personally I agree with this. I've been waiting for someone to come along and teach these women feminimity for quite some time now. Black American Women simply do not have the training to be feminine in today's world. I personally blame the civil rights movement for much of this. The civil rights movement turned black women into racial warriors, as many risked their lives in marches and sit ins at racist white businesses. Many american black women today still have that social justice mindset where they see themselves as black first and not women first. As a result many black women abandoned feminine principles in the decades after the civil rights movement. Black women today often act masculine in public, jumping in a cashier's face or waitress's face for getting their order wrong or just loudly expressing their discontent in public. This has become so prevalent that black women have received a bad reputation as being the most masculine females in western society. I feel sorry for black women because of this and would like to see a change myself. 

This is why I think the Pink Pill is a good thing at the end of the day. Lets face it black women in this day and age are absolutely miserable and nothing is going to change that except drastic action. Many black women today are college educated and have no one to share their lives with. Many will die alone and that is just a shame. Miserable black women create more misery in the world around them, which means more inconviences for other black people in public. If the pink pill is successful it will mean a world with potentially more happy black women. This is a world that will be more easier to deal with in the end. 

Sunday, August 26, 2018

The Cost of Swirling.

You know where I come from, talking shit comes with consequences. Enter Christelyn Karazin. Christilyn has been preaching swirling since 2010, an ideology that modern day blk women need to persue relationships love and marriage from sources other than blk men. Now I personally do not have a problem with this. I do not persecute people for dating outside their race or persuing relationships outside their race. However the problem with swirlers is that they do it from a negative aggressive stance. I want to quote Mr. Research on this idea. Swirlers are different from Interracial daters. Interracial daters are peaceful, however a swirler interracially dates while downing the opposite gender of their own ethnicity. Many Chinese women actually do this. However Christelyn Karazin is promoting this among blk women now. This stance is very antagonistic and disrepectful of blk men. However Christelyn Karazin does not care. She says people have threatned her over the years for her stances, mainly it was other blk women who threatned her. 

However last month I believe Christelyn did a video complaining about mail sent to her neighbors that talked about her work in an unflattering light. I believe she said the mail had a Texas return address. This was a big controversy for her platform. She went on to talk about it with her minion "Kendall St. Charles" (Brooklyn Bleu) in a livestream. She just doesn't seem to get that when you put out negative energy you are going to get that negative energy back from the universe. I took note that she immediately presented the theory that it was a blk man who she thinks did it. She also said her white mother in law said that she also believed it was a black man (go figure.) Nevermind the fact that the most vicious attacks she has received in the past have been from blk women. We will just ignore that. Kinda find it funny how she goes out of her way to try to make the blk man seem like thsi big evil villian. That is what she has to do to support her narrative. However my intuition tells me thsi was not a blk man at all. If you read between the lines carefully it points to two suspects, either a blk women who she has received attacks from her whole career or white person. The reason I say "white person" is because whoever did it targeted her relations with her neighbors and her family (as her inlaws were mailed too.) Many non blacks have stronger family and communal cohesion than the African American community. And whoever did it was attacking that and had that in mind. We don't know who committed this act but in the future we have to assume that this may be bought to light. Until then, the girl who swirls will continue to get the same energy she puts out. 

Amerosa and her war with Trump!

Warfare is one of the most interesting subjects to me. It's a part of human nature and a fact of life. Enter Amerosa Manigult Newman. Once high level white house aid, now disgruntled ex employee of the presidential administration. I followed Amerosa over the years. I remember her from the first season of the apprentice so many years ago. I think I was still in elementary school, but I found "The Apprentice" to be a very interesting show indeed. It was one of the first shows in my childhood that taught me a little bit about business. An interest that I still very much have to this day. Amerosa was portrayed as an ambitious yet kiniving agent on the show who ultimately caused the leader of her group "Kwame" to get defeated in the end, this was a dissappointment as Kwame was a up and coming black businessmen but I digress.

Amerosa went on to compete on a whole host of other reality shows hosted by donald trump over the years and I cannot name them all off the top of my head, but it solidified her as member of the Donald Trump camp well before he became president. Enter year 2016 and Donald Trump is now a presidential candidate going up against Hiliary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Trump ultimately won this contest and is now the president. Trump took Amerosa as a high level aid in his administration as well as the responsiblity of African American outreach. However after a number of months is this postion Amerosa was fired. General Kelly, soupposedly kicked her from the white house while she was screaming profanity and yelling crazily according to the NY post.

Fast Forward to august 2018 and Amerosa is claiming she has a tap of her firing. She also says she has evidence of Donald Trump saying the N word during the filiming of the apprenctice a number of years ago. This is especially interesting.

I think what blk people need to pay attention to in this situation is how Amerosa is going to war. Blk people need to pay attention because people often times go to war with US and catch us off guard. Just look at how the media waged war on Bill Cosby. So much so that the man got convicted, even after they said they could not find enough evidence in the first trial. What Amerosa is doing is not something blk people should critisize. Rather something that blk people should wait in the wings and observe for. I think I saw a video where youtuber Chrissie was asking if Amerosa was a bad look for darkskin blk women. And my response is why is she worried about being "cute" at a time when a very prominent blk women is at war with the president of United States. Blk people need to understand that warfare is a matter of expedience, not emotion. Whatever Amerosa is up to, it is a calculated thing. That is what blk people have to respect. I know alot of blk people may not like Amerosa for whatever reason. They may not like her style. And I can almost sympathize with this, but for now I think the strategic thing to do is wait and see what happens. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

What Black Women can learn from the Chennel Rowe incident.

There are many stories that tend to catch my eye. But this one especially catches my eye because of the explicit nature of the story all together. Chennel Rowe, was a black female Jamaican college student who shared a dorm room with Brianna Brochu, a white female freshman student. Both girls were attending the University of Hartford in conneticut. Earlier this month Chennel who goes by "Jazzy" began to post videos on social media detailing her mistreatment by her white roomate. First she stated that Brianna was acting rude to her for no reason. Then she began to develop pain in her throat (which turned out to be an infection.) Come to find out, her roomate Brianna had been doing all sorts of disgusting things with Chennel's personal belongings and was posting about it on her own social media accounts. She derisively referred to chenel as "Jamaican Barbie" and said she was glad she got her to leave the room. Her white friends seemed to be cheering her on in her mistreatment of her black roomate on social media as well. Which is extra chilling in this case, and proves that racism is still very much a prevalent part of American culture today and that we are not in a post racial society. 

What black women need to recognize, is that even though we now live in a so called integrated society now, with integrated schools, universities and public institutions viscious racism still and often DOES occur. What happened to this girl Jasmine was a tragedy. But I often wonder, what would have happened if she had went to an all blk university or school (an HBCU). Would she have had the same experience? Would her experience had been better? Perhaps she would have thrived more in an evironment with those with a similar cultural backgroud as her. Maybe in this environment she would not have had to worry about passive aggressive racist white girls who were jealous of her. 

Integration has taught blk people to seek security within white institutions. However what integration did not teach was that racism and hatred can still lurk within said institutions in the form of hateful individuals. Now you guys know I am a blk community first kind of guy. I think the blk community needs to look to it's own institutions first to suit it's needs before looking elsewhere. I hate to say it, but I don't think this doctrine was followed in the case of this girl Jazzy Rowe. I think she seeked out a racist institution from the get go thinking it would get her ahead in life and got more that what she bargained for. This is a tragedy and I don't want to see stuff like this happen again but never the less it is a learning moment. I think we in the blk community need to ask ourselves if our institutions in our community are on our priority list when it comes to fulfiling our needs, and if not I think serious reconsideration of priorities needs to occur. 

BGS Ibmor and why black marxism sucks.

BGS ibmor has been on youtube kicking black marxism for quite some time now, and it has been up to me and other dedicated truth tellers like BIGJXXX to expose him and bring out the truth. BGS ibmor pushes bad theories like saying that LBJ's great society helped blk people in the 60s because blk people were starving to death and in poverty. This is not the case. Studies show that between 1940 and 1965 blk poverty fell on its own between 50% and 60% mainly due to blks being upwardly mobile and using and applying their skills in the workforce. Also blk people were much more entreprenuriel at that time and supported more of their own businesses that existed in their communities. Before the great society blk people in the blk community had more of their own infastructure that the community supported. Also the blk family was much stronger with black men in the overwhelming majority of homes. All of this changed with the great society. The great society incentivised the break up of blk families by offering subsidies to single mothers as well as a whole host of govt. backed programs that kept people in a state of poverty instead of the traditional family structure that existed before. 

Negroes like this are brainwashed. BGS is a product of decades of democratice party indoctrination in the blk community. He will defend the policies of the democratic party to the death. Even though ironically this causes him to contredict himself many times. It really is quite a funny thing to observe. However his head is trapped in marxism and marxist thinking, which I will talk about at length in future blogs. I consider it my duty to tell the truth on guys like this because he misleads many of our people. Stay tuned family.