Thursday, November 23, 2017

Will The Fall of America Mean Something different for white people than black people?

How will America look like for black people when the US government falls? This is a question I have rolled over in my head for quite some time now. Black people online are now starting to talk about this in significant numbers now. Previously, back in about 2008 when sergeant willie Pete first came out, black people would talk about this subject in apocalyptic terms. They would say what if the dollar collapsed, or what if there was a natural disaster like hurricane Katrina or something. But no one ever really talked about this subject in more practical terms. 

We are already living in a world where china is poised to become the worlds leading predominant superpower, even greater than that of the next two dominant world powers (the united states, and Britain) combined. Richard Wolff PHD professor has said in a recent speech "How will the image of white people change when they are significantly surpassed in technology by a non white nation." This is a very real question that is weighing on a lot of people's minds. America may not fall due to a dollar collapse or some disaster. It may fall gradually over time by being upstaged by a global superpower upstart like China. 

China rose to global prominence in the 1970s by offering cheap manufacturing for western nations.  Deng Xiaoping was the Chinese president in the late 1970s and he wanted to reform china from an economically backward and closed nation under Mao Se Tung, to a country that could trade with the rest of the world and be competitive. China began producing cheap manufactured goods which pretty much allowed wal mart to become the nations largest retailer. Ever since then china has been growing and growing and growing, building up their coastal cities so they can become export centers for the west as well as investing in new military technology. China has over a million men and women in arms, and is working on an advanced strike fighter much like the US's F-22 raptor and is also working on a blue water navy to protect it's interest overseas. 

China is also heavily investing in Africa. They already have a strong foothold in Kenya, and Zimbabwe in east Africa, and have plans to build a high speed rail to economically connect the region as well as heavily investing in the ports of Africa. China has stolen alot of US technology over the decades as well and not always by directly subversive means. It has been reported that some US administrations, including the Clinton Administration have sold china secrets for monetary gain. So not all of china's current economic gains are solely due to their own merit. 

China already has 4 nuclear powered submarines with the capability of delivering nuclear warheads, with another half dozen under construction. China is well on its way to building up a blue water navy with which to protect its interest and project power in the pacific. No matter how you look at it, China is poising itself to become the world's next great superpower. All at a time when infrastructure is failing in the US, schools are under performing compared to the developing world and the nation is being torn apart politically by a divisive president. China has a one party system that brutally suppresses dissent (look up the Tienanmen square protest). It is easier for their government to get things done civilly because of their social cohesion.  

This begs the question. How will Caucasians react in a world in which they are not the dominant superpower. For the last 500 years, Europeans have been the dominant political/military powers in the world. And this is all because of the weaponization of gunpowder in the 1300s. After the 100 years war between Britain and France, the Europeans figured out they could knock down each other castles using cannons. Later hand held gunpowder devices were invented (muskets, pistols) with these the Europeans set out to subjugate the exploit the native people's of the world. First it was the Aztecs in central America, then the native Americans in north America, then the Africans and later east Asians. All fell like dominoes due to the fact that the European had guns and they did not. However, we are quickly moving into a world where the advantage of the gun is nullified by technology. The US is already losing the technology game. The US is failing in math and science, the next big Facebook creator, or google creator is more likely to come from India, or east Asia, not the west. White people will have to get used to a planet in which they are no longer at the top of the food chain in terms of innovation and technology. Will they become more violent (alt right) will they resign themselves to this new fate? Or will they try to accelerate and catch up with the Asians? No one knows for sure, but if you look at current behavior in the world today, Caucasians seem to be drawing in on themselves. Rather than trying to compete, they seem to be reveling in their despair (opioid epidemic). It is the reality. I predict America will become less and less of a desirable place to live as it continues to degrade. Also I think It will become a less desirable place for black folks to live, who wants to live in a nation that is in decline? I often ask myself this question. But at the end of the day, only time will tell how these new global realities will effect the United States. 

Friday, September 22, 2017

Richard Spencer the walking contridiction.

Richard B. Spencer
With the popularity of last years presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, and all this talk on the net about the possible coming UBI (Universal Basic income) despite the fact that Sweden voted it down last summer, the popularity of socialism seems to be on the rise. This is especially perplexing to me since socialism has traditionally been a left wing political phenomenon, however recent developments have occured that have bought this into question that I will get into. 

The universal basic income talk in my opinion has spurred a global debate on whether or not it is ok to allow society to become lazy. I call the proposition Universal Basic Idleness, (LOL!). We now live in the internet age. We also live in an age of alot of overeducated people. In the last 25 years or so it has been heavily promoted to young people to got to college and get college degrees as a means of attaining gainful employment in the workforce. However what this has led to is a degree of people with degrees that are really not relevant in the workforce. Hence alot of unemployed college graduates. It's a sad reality but it is true. All of these unemployed graduates are ending up up unemployed and back at their parents houses, where they surf facebook and watch reruns on TNT all day. Alot of these unemployed young people are spending a great deal of their time online though, where their idle minds are suscepetible to all sorts of coercive propaganda and innuendo. 

Enter Richard Spencer. At his point he is well known as a white nationalist speaker, I don't think I need to give this guy a big introduction on who he is, but his ideas are exzactly the type of innuendo that is now brainwashing many young people in America now. Alot of these unemployed young people are looking for a scapegoat to blame for their misfortunes in life. Rather than looking within themselves for the solutions for their problems, rather than working on themselves, making themselves more marketable in the workplace, or getting a trade or extra training or qualifications so they can get some of the really good blue collar jobs that are out here, they choose to follow Richard Spencer. A man who just like Adolf Hitler did over 70 years ago in Germany, blames Jews and non whites for the problems and issues plaguing the white race in America today. I believe that Richard Spencer was a humanities major, meaning he does not produce anything. Nor does he have a business that gainfully employs the people he claims that he is trying to help. He doesn't seem to have any ideas on how to make whites more marketable or better able to cope in the changing workplace, but instead he stays on the scapegoat strategy. An old strategy that has been used again and again throughout the western world. 

I have listened to some of his speeches, particularly the one where he was speaking on the campus at Auburn university that occured I believe last year. I must admit, that he is a rousing speaker in his own right. However his speaking is devoid of any real motivation. Just despair, and the blame game, as well as a dark self rightousness, that only white people are the ones who matter or can contribute to the western world and all others are outsiders. Because of this I do not see Richard Spencer as an inspiring leader. This is why most of his supporters seem to be red  pill teenagers and college kids who are white. Maybe for them, they get some form of hope, or a feeling that his ideology will give them a since of relavancy that they feel that they lack. Almost all of his supporters I notice are young broke college kids.

This leads me to my next point. Richard Spencer does not understand economics. He has a very wacked out economic plan for his white nationalist Agenda. First he wants all non whites and non white immigrants to be removed from white countries. He also wants the jews to be removed as well. Then what he wants to do is redistribute the remaining wealth among the whites. He feels that wealth is unfairly distributed in society and wants a socilistic redistribution of wealth. He also thinks it's a bad idea for the US to import high skilled immigrants to work in the tech field because he feels that these people will destroy the middle class. I find this funny because one of the tenets of the alt right is that the reason non whites should be removed from white societies is because they have low IQs and can't function properly in white society. But when they are faced with competent immigrants from other countries who CAN compete all of a sudden they think competition is wrong and they want to deport these people. This stuff is just too funny, you can't make this stuff up.

Also the other day I was surfing online and I found out that back in 2007 Richard Spencer used to date an ASIAN WOMEN! LOL! The alt right leader used to be an interracial dater. The very thing he preaches against. When you research this guy it just gets better and better. Richard Spencer is a walking talking contridiction. I don't even know how this guy lives with himself.   

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Black men must play strategy games!

Hello everyone it's me back again for another blog post. I know it's been a while since I last posted but the truth is things have been very hectic for me. Also stressful in a way. But the good news is that I'm starting a new high paying sales job, so I'm happy about that. However the purpose of this blog post is to talk about an addiction I have.  Yes I will admit it, I have an addiction.

A gaming addiction.

I love video games. Have loved them ever since I played Mario Superbrothers on my sisters nintendo as a boy. I played alot of RPG games growing up, and still like those games though I no longer play them regularly. My addiction now is STRATEGY GAMES! I've been playing these games since I was a teenager, the first one I played was roller coaster tycoon, and it just went from there. In 2004 I got Rise of Nations and have been playing it ever since. Its basically a real time strategy game where a player picks a nation, and competes against other nations on a map for territory and military dominance. It's very fun to play online. Another interesting thing in the game is that it's historical, and allows you to advance your nation from ancient times to now. It's fun to see the buildings and units change to match whatever historical period your nation is in. People play online from all over the world, many of the online players are really good, so you will have to get your skills up to play in top tier games. I have been playing for over half a year, and am only now just starting to perfect my startegy to win games. This game is my new guilty ADDICTION and I'm not afraid to admit it. But anyways, peace out for now guys I just wanted to keep you guys posted. I will make more post hopefully more frequently to keep you guys posted. Peace!

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Sill Dumb Bosses at work LOL!

Hello readers Im back!

I know its been a while since I blogged, but I wanna start getting you guys some good material on the regular once again. Today's subject is DUMB BOSSES LOL!

I mentioned in the past that I once had a merchandising job. In this job I and a team of other people stocked grocery stores in various areas in Los Angeles county at night. The last time I talked about this position I talked about the Asian supervisor that I had and his incompetency. I have since left this beleaguered position for greener pastures but that is not the complete end of the story. During my errands running around town I have had the pleasure of coming across a few former co workers who I liked who also worked with me at that same job. They had the courtesy to fill me in on some juicy info that has happened at that particular job since I had the fortune to leave it. Turns out that the annoying Asian supervisor who got on my nerves had been demoted after I left, to be replaced with a "model citizen" (pun intended lol) ex con white guy who I also didn't like on the job. This model citizen ex con white guy had been a wanna be supervisor for a long time. Even when I still worked there last year this asshole was trying to act like he was our supervisor then. However everyone knew he was incompetent and a fool. But somehow, some way, through some great and grand mistake this model citizen ex con white guy had been promoted to supervisor LOL! Meanwhile the former Asian supervisor had been demoted though the claimed that he had "stepped down" from his position *chuckles*. How this type of thing happens I don't know. I know a lot of these merchandising companies are stopping points for ex cons coming out the prison system, and these companies like to give these types of people a chance. But you'd think they'd be a little more careful when it comes to scouting out "character" in these ex cons and would only promote the most competent ones. However, this was not the case here. Come to find out as soon as this ex con former crime, battery, assualt, fiend takes power he initiates a reign of asshole behavior. Everyone couldn't stand him, just like me when I was at the company so I know I'm not crazy. After a number of months go by a incident does happen though that exposed completely his unfitness to lead. Another guy who worked at the company who's dad was also a family friend of mine ended up getting promoted to the supervisor role, eliminating the ex con white guy. The ex con white guy lost his shit in the middle of the store they were working in that night and assaulted the guy who just replaced him! (Keep in mind his replacement is also someone who had physical disabilities) This shocked me when I heard it, though I knew he had violent tendencies in the past stemming from his jail record. Anyways the police get called and the violent ex con white guy gets hauled off to jail! LOL. I guess Karma exist after all right? I always knew something wasn't right with the people there even when I worked there, but now everything is just actualized. I guess the moral of the story is to be careful the places you pick to work, and if you get that nagging feeling in your head, listen to it! Until next time, peace!    

Monday, January 9, 2017

Technology And African Americans in the 21st century

In this post I wanted to talk about Technology and the African American community going into 2017. I am a huge fan of the dream and hustle blog that you can find here: and love reading all the info that the writer Ed puts up who is an experienced black stem professional. One of the developments coming on the horizon in the technology field is the idea of the block chain. I have read extensively about the block chain on ed's blog and wanted to incorporate the information onto my blog since most of my commentary on here as well as youtube deals with the black community. The block chain is basically a universal ledger that holds records of all transactions within a  given economic ecosystem. The size of it is huge and the parameters wide. If used in the black community it could even replace older more traditional ways of doing business like credit scores and other things of the sort that have historically been detrimental to the black community. For those of us who champion group economics (which should be most of us), the block chain will actually provide a way to check to see if someone has been spending their money within the black community. This can serve in place of a more traditional fico score, to see if an individual will be a worthwhile investment in the long term in the community. Someone who has a long history of purchasing products and doing business within the community itself will prove to be a better investment than someone who has no intention of doing so, or who does not find it important. It is not my position that technology has to be something to fear, or something that will be detrimental that will replace black people in the workplace. (That is the Claude Anderson Mentality). Instead my mentality is to view technology as a helpful and useful tool in terms of conquering the problems in the 21st century. 

On just a practical level stuff like has allowed black entrepreneus to post their goods online for the public without having to have the start up capitol for a brick and mortar store. Sistas have created their own line of hair care products and are now marketing these to each other as we speak online. This is a good way to keep more money in the black community when it comes to hair care, and not in the hands of Koreans who have exploited the black community in the United States for so long. I don't have official figures in front of me right now, but I'm guessing that the sistas doing this has already put a big dent in the Koreans hair monopoly business and I would continue to expect it to do so in the future. Clothing is another big one. Now with the internet it is easier than ever for black clothing producers to market their products to the black community as well as the public at large. Now with the internet consumers can actually follow the owners of their favorite independent brands and have more of personable connection with them than with a big box store (Wal Mart be ware), personally I find myself shopping on Amazon almost exclusively for my clothing now. I don't go in a big box store unless its for something small and miscellaneous like a beanie or gloves (its cold now LOL), but that's about it. 

But anyways that's all I got for today and please be sure to like and subscribe to the blog if this is your first time here, until next time, see you later. 

Do Black people emphasize racism too much?

This is something that has been on my mind recently. The concept of whether or not blacks in America emphasize racism too much. Racism is a big part of our culture as African Americans. Don't get me wrong, it was prominent in our history. Everything from Slavery, to the civil rights movement to affirmative action. Racism has shaped public policy in regards to blacks in America. However, often times I think our fixation on racism may be holding us back from other things. I think when we talk about racism all the time we put ourselves in a position of thinking of ourselves as victims. When you think of yourself as a victim it makes you feel powerless to change your own situation. This to me is very detrimental. Because if African Americans want to get ahead in the 21st century, they are going to have to drastically change the way they deal with their situation. I'm a big follower of guys like "The Black Authority". I think if black people don't build an economy to compete in the 21st century we are doomed. Building an economy is something that is going to be hard work. It won't be easy at all. It will be a task that will force black people to use all of their creative and resourceful abilities and talents. I think this will be very hard to accomplish if black people are walking around thinking of themselves as victims all the time. How do you fortify yourself to compete if you already feel that those you are competing against have some sort of insurmountable advantage. I am a big fan of black entrepreneurs. I think they are some of our most brilliant people and we should support them. But one think I notice when I talk to them in person is the lack of a victim mentality. Believe you me, many black entrepreneurs have horror stories about how they were treated in corporate america or in previous jobs. Many of them chose to become entrepreneurs for those very reasons. I believe that in the future even more black people will have to go down this road. But I don't think it can happen without putting the victimhood aside. I will no doubt be speaking on this more in my youtube channel cityoftruth91. But for today I just wanted to leave you guys with this little tid bit, thank you for reading.