So, I was recently listening to one of BGS IBMOR’s 8 hrs. hangouts
when the topic of automation came to the forefront. Now mind you I have heard
this man speak on automation many times before. He first started to doing it in
earnest in 2016. At that time, he called it he 4th industrial
revolution. Everyone was mesmerized by it because it was the first time such
information had really been marketed to black people in a big way. But in reality,
it was just information that had all ready been written about all over the
internet for the previous decade and was really nothing new. The basic premise
is that automation will take over the economy in the coming decades and that many
ordinary people will be displaced from their jobs in the future. He says that
he is doing this so that black people can prepare for what’s coming in the future
but I have already exposed BGS as a classical Marxist on my channel and you can
find the video here
. I don’t play around when it comes to my research. The reality is that BGS and
those like him are Marxist castaways floating around in the ocean in the wake
of the long dead Soviet Union. People of his ilk are desperately searching for
a modern vehicle to attach themselves too to somehow justify their still beheld
beliefs on communism and modern communist China is that vehicle. Never mind
that China only rose to prominence off of the back of a consumer driven
capitalist economy (The United States), that information is always left out
when it comes to these types. But the idea is that the supposed new automated
economy is going to create a jobless landscape in which Marxist principles like
a Universal Basic Income and the like will have to be implemented. Factories
will operate all on their own, humans will simply have to insert raw materials
into one end of the factory and luxury automobiles will come out of the other
end. Trucks and care will be completely automated eliminating the need for
drivers (this one makes me laugh). And the only thing left or humans to do will
be to sit around and collect and UBI check. This post is meant to refute all
In this article
the notion is once again presented of the myth of automation. The point is made
that corporations tend to try to find cheaper ways to implement labor not
invest in expensive capital projects. “While technology may displace older job
skills, new work demands emerge. Most corporations seek to protect their vested
interests (maximizing profit) while keeping shareholders sweet, which often
means searching for cheaper labor rather than investing in expensive capital
infrastructures.” This shows the businesses and corporations will not readily
go the automation route like BGS ibmor claims. BGS ibmor talks in terms of the
US having to compete with china s a means of automating but chines automation
is not happening at a non-parallel pace to the US at all and their whole manufacturing
sector is dependent on making cheap goods and shipping them to the US. China is
now locked in a huge trade war with the US now because of policies of the trump
administration, this will definitely affect china’s bottom line but people like
BGS IBMOR want to pretend like it’s going to hurt the US more than it hurts China.
Automation takes time energy and resources to implement.
This stuff is not cheap. Research and Development is very expensive for
corporations and there is no guarantee that such projects will produce a profit
yield in the future. As the old saying goes, time is money and no one wants to
be the one who spent time and did not produce a justifiable profit for it. Many
times, is cheaper for a corporation to go with a low-tech solution, (using
manual labors) than implementing a high-tech infrastructure that is not proven.
Also no one is taking into account the legal ramifications. What happens when a
self-driving truck or care kills someone? Who is liable? Google is deploying self-driving
cars via UBER; however, they are only allowed to go on land that google owns
with the self-driving capability turned on. Once off those premises the car
will disengage and tell the driver that they have to drive it. These cars have
already killed a number of people (so much for them being safer than human
drivers) and google has left the families in a legal limbo. These questions
will have to be answered before a definitive future for self-driving vehicles
can even BEGIN to be conceived. But yet people like BGS ibmor refuse to acknowledge
this because it goes against their narrative.
So, when one actually does some thinking it seems that the American
Marxist future really DOES have some issues with it. Who would have thought?
When you only look at articles that support your viewpoint and don’t even take
into account what actually happens in the business world and factor that in you
get the thoughts of a guy like BGS IBMOR, a man who thinks that everything he
reads in articles is gospel truth and will come to pass.
I really enjoyed reading that. I hope you write more like it.