So I was flipping through the You Tube channels the other day and guess what I found (drum roll)... A live stream of Christelyn Karazin ranting about her ex-husband who is a black man. Do these swirliers ever quit? I find it odd given the type of lifestyle these women claim to live yet they just can't seem to keep black men's names out of their mouth. I mean come on, Kristelyn had to have broken up with this guy almost 2 decades ago at this point, and yet this women is still making you tube videos talking about her ex husband. Hell, it even made me cringe even though I tuned into the stream half way through. However, in her commentary she dragged on and on, about how horrible her ex husband was, how he treated her like a maid, and if I'm not mistaken how he even put hands on her one time supposedly. As I'm listening to his I was thinking isn't anything in a marriage sacred? Why was Kristelyn so comfortable disparaging her ex- husband like that publicly. People know who he is, he can be looked up online, people could show him that live stream and he could sue her for defamation of character. Doesn't this occur to Christelyn as educated as she is? I guess not, but then again Kristelyn has a history of doing not so bright things online, like the time she filmed her daughters college dorm room years ago, swp even warned her of how dangerous that was, she does come off as an airhead much of the time. But in that live stream Kristelyn reminds us all of one of her strongest and most constant themes "the need to portray black males as the villain at all cost and not matter what the situation." In order for her to justify swirling and going against her own race, black men have to be portrayed as these evil monstrous tyrants. She basically threw educated lames under the bus as the title says (though the title of that video has now been changed.) She claimed that just because someone is an educated lame does not mean they are devoid of problems that would make them incompatible with a women. Kristelyn raved about her household duties while living with this man, and how she felt too much of the burden was on her while her ex- husband was not trying to help her out. She lamented about when she called him on it she simply said that his mother had shouldered similar duties and that he didn't see what she was complaining about.
This whole diatribe is sad and explains how black female swirlers truly cannot get black men out of their minds. Kristelyn is supposed to be enjoying her suburban life and existence in Temecula County California but she can't seem to do that to save her life. She is still depressed and upset about alot of things it seems like when it comes to her ex-husband. Is her white man really keeping her satisfied? Or is she simply trying to continue marketing her $500 pink pill program on femininity to her followers? I suspect both. Stay tuned.
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