Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Reprations is a Failed Movement


Reperations for the African American Community has been in the news especially in recent years. It is something that has been talked about for decades, however it has gotten African Americans Absolutely nowhere. Federal courts have struck in down. Even when stuff like corporate lineage was used to financially trace modern day companies to slave ventures from back during before the emacipation proclamation, has come of this movement. The movement had some traction in the 1970s and 1980s and then it went quiet for over two decades.

One would think that it was gone for good, that it was no longer a factor. And for all intents and purposes it was. However fast forward to 2016 and this useless movement reared its ugly head yet again. This time it was due to Donald Trump having his first term in office in Washington DC. The movement was led by black lives matter operatives, who also happen to be radical communist lesbians who want to eliminate men from society and did not mention black men as part of the black family in their mission statement on their website. This new BLM reparations movement began adjutating for reparations, for no other reason other than to disrupt the Donald Trump presidential campaign. Lets also not forget that black lives matter had a mysterious habit of having many of their male leadership die at young ages for mysterious reasons.

The reparations movement was nothing that was ever serious. It was simply a movement to distract the black community in a grand fashion. In an age where you have more young black innovative entrepreneurs than ever before, young black people starting up new companies that are innovating and creating real solutions for the black community in the market. And the best these people can come up with is to talk about some reperations. Some redundant dusty shit that aint never helped nobody and sure as hell is not going to move the black community forward in the 21st century. This is what I mean when I say that it is a distraction. Tangible attainable things that the black community can focus on to improve itself are ignored for a derisive, demeaning, and unnattainble cause. We got these young black women in their mid twenties running around talking about how we gonna get congress people to acknowledge reparations when they should be talking about how they can start a braid shop together to make some real $$$ that they can use to actually empower their community. They are completely wasting their time.

On this black we really don’t like ideas and concepts that waste the black community’s time and resources. Black people leave money on the table and waste time with initiatives, when they could have been making real money and making real moves out here in the real world. Instead they stay in this theoretical world, where they talk about hypothetical things that have no tangible result in the real world such as reperation…..

Monday, July 8, 2024

Caitlyn Clark


For those of you unfamiliar with this blog, what we see here in the picture is what we like to promote here. It’s not about physical appearance, or creed, its simply about determination, skill and the ability of one to master their craft. Now there have been plenty of nay sayers and haters out there. Many of them within the WNBA establishment itself. Many of them in the old guard of that organization. Who dare to look at this phenomena and dismiss it in the most disrespectful of manners.

For once we see the WNBA finally becoming something that can be marketable for the mainstream. Its actually finally becoming a quality product. After decades of poor play, missed shots and airballs, there is now a new generation of WNBA players who are taking the game to new heights. The play that you see on the court is not just mesmerizing, its revolutionary and its bringing a whole new generation of fans to the game. I must admit, I never thought I would enjoy WNBA basketball as much as this.

In years past I only knew the WNBA from brief clips on ESPN and glimpses of female athletes who were built like men (enter Griner Joke here) running an and down the court an missing point black slam dunks. That type of league is not the type of league that can draw fans. Yes there have been those out there who have tried to guilt people into liking that type of stuff. And it is totally pointless because no one wants to see that type of stuff. It doesn’t matter how much you guilt someone into liking it. It’s not gonna help. You can’t force people to like something that they don’t want to see. And that is what the world is starting to realize now.

Enter Caitlyn Clark NCAA Di all time leading scorer, NCAA Di single season 3 point record holder, 2x player of the year 2023,2024, 2x Naismith college player of the year 2023.2024, 3x Nancy Lieberman award (2022,2023,2024) 3x big ten player of the year (2022-2024) WBCA co freshmen of the year 2021, and also first WNBA rookie to have a triple double.

These accolades and stats speak for themselves. They tell a story of an athlete who is truly capable accomplished and determined, as well as someone who is a class act. And the best that the WNBA can do is throw shade. Snubbing her for the women’s Olympic basketball team? This is the WNBA establishment at work. And excuse was made that having veteran players on the team was better for the overall cohesiveness of the team. But the fans and anyone watching this phenomenon can clearly see that this decision was wrong. Here on his blog we will continue to monitor Caitlyn Clarks career progression an provide commentary as she is an athlete that deserves the adherence and garners it on her own. Just like I found Jeremy Lin intriguing back in the day so too do I find the young career of Caitlyn Clark.

Stay tuned for further commentary and thanks for reading……..

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Judge Dredd and His Unforgiving Mindset Toward Black Women
Image result for angry black men
While watching the tail end of Gamechanger00100’s stream today I noticed something that caught my eye.  Gamechanger00100 and the youtuber Judge Dredd were locked in a heated exchange about the redemption “status” of ADOS women as it regards to black male and female relations. Now I have seen and heard from Judge Dredd extensively in the past. I saw him a lot in the Oshay hangouts (back when I used to watch that stuff) I saw him on many of the manosphere streams that I lurk on. He is the type of guy that seems to have a lot to say. He especially seems to have a lot to say on the subject of women. I am somewhat semi-aware of his personal situation. I do know that he has kids. I am also pretty sure that he has multiple kids. In prior podcast where I have heard him speaking, I have consistently seen and heard him complain about his babymommas. This is a guy that had kids, and ran out and picked the wrong women to have them with now he is complaining. The dude seems to be consistently coming from a place of deep dark anger, when he speaks. To be honest with you I actually feel sorry for the guy in a way. The guy seems to slur his words a lot when he speaks, as if he has some type of speech impediment. This aspect of his speech is very prominent when he talks and hard not to notice.

When I saw him get into that verbal back and fourth with gamechanger however, I saw all the anger and bitterness that has been festering in the mansophere for years. It’s a big part of the reason why I no longer follow the mansophere. Saying that “ it’s black women’s time to suffer now just like black men did in the last 40 years of mainstream media male bashing” is very indicative of that mindset. Gamechanger tried to come in with reason. He said that black men should incentivize and reward black women for cooperation and good behavior. However Judge dredd was having none of that. He continued to insist that black women should be punished “so they can change.” However he had no response for how this change was going to work without incentive.  It was at this point that gamechanger started to wind down the podcast.

I say that to say this, there is a very bitter and damaged element within the manosphere. It is an element that has no place for reconciliation. No place for new beginnings. It’s just a place that wants to hold on to the bitterness of the past ages without moving forward. This is why I am glad that have left that type of rhetoric behind.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

BGS Once Again Wrong on Automation.

So, I was recently listening to one of BGS IBMOR’s 8 hrs. hangouts when the topic of automation came to the forefront. Now mind you I have heard this man speak on automation many times before. He first started to doing it in earnest in 2016. At that time, he called it he 4th industrial revolution. Everyone was mesmerized by it because it was the first time such information had really been marketed to black people in a big way. But in reality, it was just information that had all ready been written about all over the internet for the previous decade and was really nothing new. The basic premise is that automation will take over the economy in the coming decades and that many ordinary people will be displaced from their jobs in the future. He says that he is doing this so that black people can prepare for what’s coming in the future but I have already exposed BGS as a classical Marxist on my channel and you can find the video here https://bit.ly/2YO7Wr3 . I don’t play around when it comes to my research. The reality is that BGS and those like him are Marxist castaways floating around in the ocean in the wake of the long dead Soviet Union. People of his ilk are desperately searching for a modern vehicle to attach themselves too to somehow justify their still beheld beliefs on communism and modern communist China is that vehicle. Never mind that China only rose to prominence off of the back of a consumer driven capitalist economy (The United States), that information is always left out when it comes to these types. But the idea is that the supposed new automated economy is going to create a jobless landscape in which Marxist principles like a Universal Basic Income and the like will have to be implemented. Factories will operate all on their own, humans will simply have to insert raw materials into one end of the factory and luxury automobiles will come out of the other end. Trucks and care will be completely automated eliminating the need for drivers (this one makes me laugh). And the only thing left or humans to do will be to sit around and collect and UBI check. This post is meant to refute all that.

In this article https://bit.ly/2QgrjG9 the notion is once again presented of the myth of automation. The point is made that corporations tend to try to find cheaper ways to implement labor not invest in expensive capital projects. “While technology may displace older job skills, new work demands emerge. Most corporations seek to protect their vested interests (maximizing profit) while keeping shareholders sweet, which often means searching for cheaper labor rather than investing in expensive capital infrastructures.” This shows the businesses and corporations will not readily go the automation route like BGS ibmor claims. BGS ibmor talks in terms of the US having to compete with china s a means of automating but chines automation is not happening at a non-parallel pace to the US at all and their whole manufacturing sector is dependent on making cheap goods and shipping them to the US. China is now locked in a huge trade war with the US now because of policies of the trump administration, this will definitely affect china’s bottom line but people like BGS IBMOR want to pretend like it’s going to hurt the US more than it hurts China.

Automation takes time energy and resources to implement. This stuff is not cheap. Research and Development is very expensive for corporations and there is no guarantee that such projects will produce a profit yield in the future. As the old saying goes, time is money and no one wants to be the one who spent time and did not produce a justifiable profit for it. Many times, is cheaper for a corporation to go with a low-tech solution, (using manual labors) than implementing a high-tech infrastructure that is not proven. Also no one is taking into account the legal ramifications. What happens when a self-driving truck or care kills someone? Who is liable? Google is deploying self-driving cars via UBER; however, they are only allowed to go on land that google owns with the self-driving capability turned on. Once off those premises the car will disengage and tell the driver that they have to drive it. These cars have already killed a number of people (so much for them being safer than human drivers) and google has left the families in a legal limbo. These questions will have to be answered before a definitive future for self-driving vehicles can even BEGIN to be conceived. But yet people like BGS ibmor refuse to acknowledge this because it goes against their narrative.

So, when one actually does some thinking it seems that the American Marxist future really DOES have some issues with it. Who would have thought? When you only look at articles that support your viewpoint and don’t even take into account what actually happens in the business world and factor that in you get the thoughts of a guy like BGS IBMOR, a man who thinks that everything he reads in articles is gospel truth and will come to pass.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Christelyn Karazin on Her Ex Husband

So I was flipping through the You Tube channels the other day and guess what I found (drum roll)... A live stream of Christelyn Karazin ranting about her ex-husband who is a black man. Do these swirliers ever quit? I find it odd given the type of lifestyle these women claim to live yet they just can't seem to keep black men's names out of their mouth. I mean come on, Kristelyn had to have broken up with this guy almost 2 decades ago at this point, and yet this women is still making you tube videos talking about her ex husband. Hell, it even made me cringe even though I tuned into the stream half way through. However, in her commentary she dragged on and on, about how horrible her ex husband was, how he treated her like a maid, and if I'm not mistaken how he even put hands on her one time supposedly. As I'm listening to his I was thinking isn't anything in a marriage sacred? Why was Kristelyn so comfortable disparaging her ex- husband like that publicly. People know who he is, he can be looked up online, people could show him that live stream and he could sue her for defamation of character. Doesn't this occur to Christelyn as educated as she is? I guess not, but then again Kristelyn has a history of doing not so bright things online, like the time she filmed her daughters college dorm room years ago, swp even warned her of how dangerous that was, she does come off as an airhead much of the time. But in that live stream Kristelyn reminds us all of one of her strongest and most constant themes "the need to portray black males as the villain at all cost and not matter what the situation." In order for her to justify swirling and going against her own race, black men have to be portrayed as these evil monstrous tyrants. She basically threw educated lames under the bus as the title says (though the title of that video has now been changed.) She claimed that just because someone is an educated lame does not mean they are devoid of problems that would make them incompatible with a women. Kristelyn raved about her household duties while living with this man, and how she felt too much of the burden was on her while her ex- husband was not trying to help her out. She lamented about when she called him on it she simply said that his mother had shouldered similar duties and that he didn't see what she was complaining about. 

This whole diatribe is sad and explains how black female swirlers truly cannot get black men out of their minds. Kristelyn is supposed to be enjoying her suburban life and existence in Temecula County California but she can't seem to do that to save her life. She is still depressed and upset about alot of things it seems like when it comes to her ex-husband. Is her white man really keeping her satisfied? Or is she simply trying to continue marketing her $500 pink pill program on femininity to her followers? I suspect both. Stay tuned. 

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Discetion of Cerulean Grey's Plan

Image result for you tube cerulean grey
Today I would like to dissect Cerulean Grey's plan for the black american. I find it interesting that Cerulean Grey has finally decided to stop being just a lackey in the BGS IBMOR hangouts and has finally decided to advance his own ideas in his own platform. 

Cerulean Grey's videos on his channel usually have a dark color theme and they start with Cerulean Grey speaking in a deep and somber tone, addressing the long lost faithful of a decayed community with a sardonic call to discipline and action. When you listen to Cerulean's beginning speeches they are low key inspirational in a way, however they are also kind of heavy handed when it comes to rhetoric. Cerulean Positions himself as a pro-black in his videos, and as someone who has listened to him in the last couple years to tell you the truth this is a rather new thing for him. I remember a long time ago he was pushing pro-socialist talking points a lot. He still does this to this day, the only difference is the pro-black rhetoric, which is a new thing for him now. He goes on to implicate the usual enemy to black progress, the ever elusive "White Supremacy". He blames the shadow hand of white supremacy for many of the evils and social ills of the community. He makes the claim that blacks are being defeated by white supremacy because of their inability to organize as a community against it. He prescribes various social strategies and actions (that will be discussed below) to fix it. He cites various social ills as hindrances to the black community, and prescribes new behavior strategies that he believes will remedy these issues. All in all Cerulean does seem to be legitmately concerned with the black community and seems to have alot of passion concerning his cause. Because of this I believe that cerulean Grey's plan deserves an in depth dissection and analysis, Cerulean Grey has put a lot of time, energy, and effort into getting his views and stances out there, so without further ado I will begin. 

If you listen to Cerulean Grey's explanation of his plan on the The Great Liberators channel, he has a two pronged strategy for the black community going into the future, this two pronged strategy goes as follows: 
1. Put 100,000 black boys a year into the military, another 100,000 into police departments and another 50,000 into fire departments.
2. Let young black women go into political leadership in the community, let them go into municipal and federal governments, and let them go into municipal and federal governments and let them go into the field of law. 

I will start with the first point of strategy, that of putting 100,000 black boys into the military a year. According to a 2018 NY times article the US Army is having a hard time attracting new recruits because of a booming job market. Many young people are opting not to join the military and instead to persue more lucrative careers that are coming online in the job market. The army cannot reach it's quota and is suffring recruitment shortages akin to what they experienced at the height of the Iraq War. The military including the army markets heavily to the African American community because they know that the African American community historically lacks jobs. Many young black men and women in previous decades since the US military has been an all volunteer force have been forced to join the military due to lack of opportunity in the hood. Many are assigned clerical jobs, and non combat positions. Many go to take advantage of the college tuition programs, yet even with all these perks, the US army still cannot reach it's quota. The trend is true for the entire military as a whole. So the legitimate question for Cerulean Grey becomes, how do you market military careers to young black men who have better options at their disposal. Cerulean Grey has yet to explain his strategy for this in my view. His theory relies on the concept of a large number of young African American men facing economic hopelessness in the inner city but this view is simply not the reality. Many young African American men have the opportunity to go to college after high school due to scholarships due to via academics or sports related, and many others have the ability to pursue trades such as plumbing or auto body from which they have the opportunity to build lucrative businesses for themselves. Also there is a growing number of black people in general who now want to pursue entrepreneurship as a means of community empowerment and this is a factor Cerulean Grey has not addressed in this thesis either. 

The second major point of Cerulean Grey's plan, that of putting young black women into politics and law as a means of empowering the black community also has major questions with it. One of the major things that I always noticed about when African American's go into politics is that the black community does not seem to get better when they are in office in most cases. In many cases it seems to be corporate interest, or outside political interest who get the benefit. I don't care if it's Bradly in Los Angeles, Coleman Young in Detroit or Mosby in Baltimore. When black politicians get elected the black community does not get the benefit. Mayor Bradley was the mayor in LA in the late 70's, 80's, and early 90's, he oversaw the proliferation of poverty and gang culture in Los Angeles and did not address it. Coleman Young oversaw the destruction of the auto industry in Detroit and many blacks slipping into poverty and becoming homeless. Mosby in the 2010's over saw the Baltimore riots in the wake of the Freddy Grey police killing. For some reason there is massive incompetence associated with black elected officials. This is why I am skeptical of any black empowerment movement that involves politics. Black female politicians have shown themselves susceptible to corporate interest just like any other politician. Also many of these so called congressional black caucus members now preside over districts that are majority non black, just like Maxine Waters in southern California. Maxine Waters has been seen loudly addressing the interests of the Hispanic and immigrant portion of her district now because they now make up the majority of her districts. The concept of black congressional leaders has become very much a fiction. It is something that does not exist. It is an empty phantom concept. Because of gentrification and black flight to suburbs blacks no longer live in concentrated enough districts to have strong voting blocks any more. I have yet to hear Cerulean Grey come up with a valid address of these concepts. 

The other point, that of black women going into law is one however that I do think has some feasibility. Black people have been effective in law, just look at Johnny Cochran (OJ Simpon's fameous attorney) and Bill Cosby's attorney was instrumental in getting him to counter sue his accusers who kept coming out of the wood work against him, something that his former white attorneys advised against. I ultimately think there needs to be more black attorneys period and they need to organize themselves into bar associations to represent black defendants in all aspects of law. This is something that we don't see enough of. Black attorneys need to work as a team. If black female attorneys can organize themselves into bar associations and work together to provide black men legal representation in various fields it could be potentially very effective. However black women would have to learn to put aside their egos and work effectively as a team. This is going to be a big challenge in the long run since most black Americans have been trained to operate on individualism. Cerulean Grey however has addressed black individualism and the need to curb it, maybe he will present more strategies against it in the future. 

Cerulean Grey's plan though heavy on militarism does have some valid points of interest. I will continue to analyze Cerulean Grey and his plan as it develops in the future and will provide updates, until then, signing off. 

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Christelyn is Right on Black Females Losing Feminimity Due to the Struggle.

Image result for christelyn karazin
Last year You Christelyn Karazin  started her infamous Pink Pill Program. An Interactive online Program that teaches black women feminimity strategies. Christelyn Karazin has marketed it as a much needed program for blk women because she says that many black women's mothers were too busy struggling to teach their daughters feminimity. It is a pretty expensive program but christelyn basically says that it is worth it and much needed. Personally I agree with this. I've been waiting for someone to come along and teach these women feminimity for quite some time now. Black American Women simply do not have the training to be feminine in today's world. I personally blame the civil rights movement for much of this. The civil rights movement turned black women into racial warriors, as many risked their lives in marches and sit ins at racist white businesses. Many american black women today still have that social justice mindset where they see themselves as black first and not women first. As a result many black women abandoned feminine principles in the decades after the civil rights movement. Black women today often act masculine in public, jumping in a cashier's face or waitress's face for getting their order wrong or just loudly expressing their discontent in public. This has become so prevalent that black women have received a bad reputation as being the most masculine females in western society. I feel sorry for black women because of this and would like to see a change myself. 

This is why I think the Pink Pill is a good thing at the end of the day. Lets face it black women in this day and age are absolutely miserable and nothing is going to change that except drastic action. Many black women today are college educated and have no one to share their lives with. Many will die alone and that is just a shame. Miserable black women create more misery in the world around them, which means more inconviences for other black people in public. If the pink pill is successful it will mean a world with potentially more happy black women. This is a world that will be more easier to deal with in the end.