Thursday, November 23, 2017

Will The Fall of America Mean Something different for white people than black people?

How will America look like for black people when the US government falls? This is a question I have rolled over in my head for quite some time now. Black people online are now starting to talk about this in significant numbers now. Previously, back in about 2008 when sergeant willie Pete first came out, black people would talk about this subject in apocalyptic terms. They would say what if the dollar collapsed, or what if there was a natural disaster like hurricane Katrina or something. But no one ever really talked about this subject in more practical terms. 

We are already living in a world where china is poised to become the worlds leading predominant superpower, even greater than that of the next two dominant world powers (the united states, and Britain) combined. Richard Wolff PHD professor has said in a recent speech "How will the image of white people change when they are significantly surpassed in technology by a non white nation." This is a very real question that is weighing on a lot of people's minds. America may not fall due to a dollar collapse or some disaster. It may fall gradually over time by being upstaged by a global superpower upstart like China. 

China rose to global prominence in the 1970s by offering cheap manufacturing for western nations.  Deng Xiaoping was the Chinese president in the late 1970s and he wanted to reform china from an economically backward and closed nation under Mao Se Tung, to a country that could trade with the rest of the world and be competitive. China began producing cheap manufactured goods which pretty much allowed wal mart to become the nations largest retailer. Ever since then china has been growing and growing and growing, building up their coastal cities so they can become export centers for the west as well as investing in new military technology. China has over a million men and women in arms, and is working on an advanced strike fighter much like the US's F-22 raptor and is also working on a blue water navy to protect it's interest overseas. 

China is also heavily investing in Africa. They already have a strong foothold in Kenya, and Zimbabwe in east Africa, and have plans to build a high speed rail to economically connect the region as well as heavily investing in the ports of Africa. China has stolen alot of US technology over the decades as well and not always by directly subversive means. It has been reported that some US administrations, including the Clinton Administration have sold china secrets for monetary gain. So not all of china's current economic gains are solely due to their own merit. 

China already has 4 nuclear powered submarines with the capability of delivering nuclear warheads, with another half dozen under construction. China is well on its way to building up a blue water navy with which to protect its interest and project power in the pacific. No matter how you look at it, China is poising itself to become the world's next great superpower. All at a time when infrastructure is failing in the US, schools are under performing compared to the developing world and the nation is being torn apart politically by a divisive president. China has a one party system that brutally suppresses dissent (look up the Tienanmen square protest). It is easier for their government to get things done civilly because of their social cohesion.  

This begs the question. How will Caucasians react in a world in which they are not the dominant superpower. For the last 500 years, Europeans have been the dominant political/military powers in the world. And this is all because of the weaponization of gunpowder in the 1300s. After the 100 years war between Britain and France, the Europeans figured out they could knock down each other castles using cannons. Later hand held gunpowder devices were invented (muskets, pistols) with these the Europeans set out to subjugate the exploit the native people's of the world. First it was the Aztecs in central America, then the native Americans in north America, then the Africans and later east Asians. All fell like dominoes due to the fact that the European had guns and they did not. However, we are quickly moving into a world where the advantage of the gun is nullified by technology. The US is already losing the technology game. The US is failing in math and science, the next big Facebook creator, or google creator is more likely to come from India, or east Asia, not the west. White people will have to get used to a planet in which they are no longer at the top of the food chain in terms of innovation and technology. Will they become more violent (alt right) will they resign themselves to this new fate? Or will they try to accelerate and catch up with the Asians? No one knows for sure, but if you look at current behavior in the world today, Caucasians seem to be drawing in on themselves. Rather than trying to compete, they seem to be reveling in their despair (opioid epidemic). It is the reality. I predict America will become less and less of a desirable place to live as it continues to degrade. Also I think It will become a less desirable place for black folks to live, who wants to live in a nation that is in decline? I often ask myself this question. But at the end of the day, only time will tell how these new global realities will effect the United States.